CURE Lifelong Newsletter
CURE Lifelong Newsletter is a quarterly published under the auspices of National CURE Headquarters in Washington, D.C. The expressed mission of our newsletter -to be specific- is to bring the plight and concerns of all lifers and all virtual lifers with minimum sentences of 50 years or more to attention of the lifer population across the USA, the general public, and our unjust criminal justice system, inclusive of our courts, prosecutors, attorneys, correctional personnel, parole boards, governors, and our law makers.
Views on LIFE
Views on LIFE is a biannual newsletter published by people dedicated to ending life sentences in Michigan (and ultimately the nation). Our rationale is that life sentences are counter-productive to criminal justice and “correctional” objectives. Ending them is therefore in society’s best interest. Given that all members of society have a vested interest in such an important and impactful a goal, Views on LIFE seeks to bridge the gap between society and lifers by providing a safe literary space to engage in healthy dialog and debate; a space which must include those whose views differ from our own. For our part, we will provide information on a variety of topics, including ethnographic accounts of challenges unique to lifers (such as our efforts at ethical transformation despite the hopelessness of release); shed a spotlight on Felony Murder; sift through the collateral damage on the families and children of lifers; critique pop culture’s portrayal of lifers; and, in the process, dispel the myths, misconceptions, and misunderstandings surrounding people serving life without parole.