Category: Uncategorized
Bears for Kids
To Donate to the Bears for Kids Program at Macomb Facility Special Activities Director and NLA Liason Maria ViscontiEmail: viscontim@michigan.govPhone Macomb Facility : 586-749-4900 NLA Chapter 1012 Bears for Kids Program at Macomb Correctional Facility In March 2004, Tilmon Barnett’s cellmate handed him a flyer about a Benefit Dinner for…
Good Time
Find out more at Michigan Justice Advocacy MI 2023 Good Time Ballot Email your Lawmakers HERE
Support Second Look Legislation
Second Look Sentencing Legislation is smart legislation that is evidence-based criminal justice reform. It does not open a flood gate permitting all convicted felons to be released from prison. It does not allow murderers to escape punishment. What it does is give incarcerated persons an opportunity to petition the trial/sentencing…
Public Policy Recommendations
Cost-Effectively Enhancing Human Development in the Michigan Department of Corrections ABSTRACT Authors: Dwight Henley N.L.A President (Chapter 1012)Charles Adams N.L.A Vice President (Chapter 1012) This report is about basic humanity, and the impact imprisonment has on human development. The report begins by describing innate drivers and basic human needs. It…